Karrikin News and Blog

Karrikin Hand Sanitizer Opening For Public Sales

Posted on May 11, 2020
Karrikin Public Hand Sanitizer Sales

Karrikin Spirits Company Ready For Public Hand Sanitizer Sales

After weeks of producing, awaiting the supply chain to catch up, and receiving long-awaited plastics supplies, Karrikin Spirits Company is ready to release its hand sanitizer for sale to the general public.

Starting Friday, May 15th — coinciding with the opening of Karrikin’s patio — four ounce bottles of Karrikin’s hand sanitizer will be available for the public to order online and schedule for pickup.

How We Got To This Point

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Karrikin and businesses like ours have been impacted in a multitude of ways. Some will return to business on Friday alongside us, others will not.

In the weeks since we announced our production and distribution of hand sanitizer, we’ve been able to support hundreds of front line individuals, businesses, and industries with tens of thousands of bottles of hand sanitizer.

We’re proud of that. 

But we also know that hundreds of requests weren’t fulfilled and we had to make the difficult decision of saying ‘no’ to many.

As we begin to reintegrate into everyday life with you again though, some things are changing. You’re being encouraged to start responsibly going about daily life once more, and we want to make sure you have a chance to keep your hands clean after you wash them.

Our hand sanitizer is now available for the public to purchase.

What That Looks Like

There have been a few different generations of our hand sanitizer in the short time since we’ve been making it. That’s because of the availability of plastics, pumps, and spay nozzles. 

Those have been a pain in the ass to find at times.

Here’s what is available to you now:

– 4 ounce bottles

-Twist on caps (we’ve run out of the fine mist spray tops)

– 1 Gallon jugs

It’s as simple as that. We suggest you use these bottles to fill spray bottles that you may already have laying around your home, or ones you’re able to source at your local retailers.

As you can imagine, sales of these continue while supplies last. We hope to provide hand sanitizer for as long as there is a need, but we don’t know what the future holds.

Place your orders here: https://www.toasttab.com/hearth-karrikin/v3

From The Bottom Of Our Hearts... Thank You!

As we prepare to reopen the patio, sell hand sanitizer to the public, and start seeing you again, we want to thank you.

Thanks for your continued support since we had to abruptly close our doors to dine in services.

Thanks for finding our spirits, sparkling spirits, and craft beer in stores across the Greater Cincinnati area.

Thanks for ordering carry out and delivery over the last few weeks.

Thanks for the kind words on social media, the fun letters, and the feedback.

Thanks for the constructive criticism — it’s helped us grow in ways we couldn’t have otherwise.

And finally, thanks for being you — for taking on an entirely new “normal” and making the best of a difficult situation!

We love you and we can’t wait to celebrate with you again.

Sanitizer FAQs: https://karrikinspirits.com/karrikin-hand-sanitizer-faqs/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Karrikin

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